Tomorrow's Hill

"The Lord gave them rest on every side…Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled" (Joshua 21:43, 45, NIV).

Israel had to take the journey before she saw the reward. Giants to be conquered, enemies to be fought, obedience to be tested, defeats to be turned into victories—it was only at the end when the battles were over that God's people would be able to look back and realize that God had never failed them.

That's easy to forget when the enemy has a knife at your throat.

The good thing about a journey with the Lord, this battle to take another "hill," is that we can always look back at the last "hill" He took for us. While conquering the land of Canaan, Israel could look back at Egypt, and the wilderness. God took her over those "hills" and none of His promises failed.

Now, as Israel looks back on this new "hill" that has tested, and proven, God's faithfulness to His Word, Israel is prepared to face the next challenge with renewed confidence.

We know she failed. We do too. The covenant between us and God is based on promises—not just His promises but ours as well. But unlike us, He keeps His commitment.

Despite our failures, the truth remains. We can build our hope for tomorrow on the record of yesterday. Tomorrow's "hill" flattens in His presence and at His command.


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