Every Child

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Over the last few decades, doctors have warned expectant moms about all the things they should, and should not, do when they discover they are pregnant.

Not surprisingly God has had that one covered since the beginning of history.

Take the case of Samson's mother in Judges 13. An angel appears to this sterile woman. No sooner than he announces that she is going to conceive, he tells her: "Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean" (13:4, NIV). Samson would become a Nazirite and hold to certain rules in keeping with that calling, but why should his mother be restricted? Could it be that there is a correlation between what a pregnant woman does with her body and the tendencies her child will show after he or she is born? Science has since proven that to be true.

The woman repeated the instructions to her husband. Manoah immediately asked God: "O Lord, I beg you, let the man of God you sent to us come again to teach us how to bring up the boy who is to be born" (13:8, NIV). Mothers, child-rearing specialists, medical professionals and reality TV shows seem to be consulted more often than God these days on the subject of child-rearing.

When Manoah met the angel he didn't forget to ask the question: "When your words are fulfilled, what is to be the rule for the boy's life and work?" (13:12, NIV). Interestingly the angel repeated his instructions as to what Manoah's wife was to do while she was pregnant.

One step at a time.

At the very least, Manoah's wife would remember that this child was special simply because of the restrictions placed upon her by God during her pregnancy.

But then again, every child is special. Every child has been entrusted to his or her parents as a gift from God. Every child needs to be protected—even from the moment he or she is conceived.


  1. Yes Lynda! "every child"- I could just cry when I think about the 9 out of 10 women who get the prenatal testing done that are pressured into terminating their pregnancy if the test is positive for downs syndrome! I wish I could hug every mom that gets that diagnosis and assure them that every child is precious! hugs and thanks for your post.


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