Relax, God's Already "Shown Up"

The quintessential position of patience
This is a test.

We can identify with Saul. On the eve of battle, with his troops getting restless and ready to run for home, Saul is feeling the pressure. Samuel is expected to come to put God's "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" on the enterprise. At the end of the seven days, the waiting period designated by Samuel, there is no prophet appearing over the nearest hill.

If his troops were "quaking with fear" before (I Samuel 13:7, NIV), they are paralyzed with it now. If he doesn't act, what men are left to him will take off for the hills.

Saul acts. He offers the required sacrifices to God (vss. 9, 10). He takes on a role that isn't his to assume. He doesn't trust God and doesn't inspire that same trust in his men.

If he'd only waited a little while longer. His impatience cost him his kingdom (vss. 13, 14).

Most of us are not anticipating leading men into battle, but most of us can relate to the weight of the pressure on Saul's shoulders. If we don't act NOW…

Saul was worried about Samuel showing up all the while forgetting that God was already there. We often hear the expression: "God showed up." We use it to indicate that in some form the power or presence of God has revealed itself. We saw it or we felt it. But it is in the waiting period when we see no evidence of that presence that we need to believe that God doesn't "show up" like some late dinner guest; He's already there.

The essence of faith is knowing with a certainty that whether or not we see or feel Him, He is there. It's a test. Will we believe in the silence and continue to trust and obey Him? Or will we think that He's not going to show up and rush ahead to take matters into our own hands?

Samuel said to Saul: "…the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people, because you have not kept God's command" (vs 14, NIV).

Impatience is the product of lack of faith. If we practice it enough, so that we perfect it, we might find that God will find someone else to do the work He could have done through us.


  1. "Saul was worried about Samuel showing up all the while forgetting that God was already there."

    LOVE this line. SO much truth. Thanks, Lynda.


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