Turning Lemons

I've been thinking through ways to build bridges to people who don't know the Lord. Since I love to read I was intrigued by an invitation in the local newspaper inviting people to join the public library's book club. The advertisement listed the name of the book that was to be discussed at tomorrow night's meeting. So I went over to the library a couple of weeks ago, added my name to the list of participants and borrowed the book. I'm hurrying to get it read in time and I confess it's been heavy going. The book is called, Lemon and was written by Cordelia Strube. It is not what I would normally pick up as recreational reading.

Lemon is brilliantly written, but it is raw. Lemon, or Limone, as she is supposed to be called, is a fractured teenage girl. I won't review the book for you because I haven't finished yet. But even though it has been tough reading, I am determined to finish and I confess that now, three-quarters of the way through the book, my interest is piqued as to how Lemon is going to come through all this drama in her life.

Lemon is typical of many teens, but last night I had the opportunity to work with several teens who are atypical, and they bring light to Lemon's dark. I spent some time with teens from 12 to 16 who are preparing themselves to be baptized. June 26th is our church's annual picnic and traditionally a baptism takes place on the day the church gathers out at Big Water Lake.

As I read the kids' testimonies, heard them express their reasons for taking this step, I thought about the fictitious Lemon, and the kids whose lives she represents. The contrast is huge. After having been drowned in Lemon's story, I thank God that there are kids who have new life in Christ and resources to deal with the dirt that world will try to bury them under. I also have a new appreciation for those who work with young people on a regular basis.

There is a niggling concern as well. The kids in the light need to be exposed to the kids in the dark so that there will be fewer "Lemons" in the world. I appreciate the desire of Christian parents to protect their kids from the dark side, but unless Christian kids shine their light among their peers with whom they relate better than any adult, how will those who are lost in the dark ever find their way out of the blackness? We, the church, need to prepare these kids for mission because there is no higher calling than seeking out the Lemons and helping them become sweet in Jesus Christ.


  1. What a great message, Lynda! So glad you're reaching out to the people of the book club, AND these kids ready to be baptized. A great message (hope you WILL review the book!).

  2. Great thoughts Lynda. As a parent, trying to encourage our kids to reflect the light of Christ to those around them without being judgmental is not easy! I often wonder in these situations if the church should not be doing more to encourage the people being baptized to invite the "Limones" in their lives to the event and have some kind of meal afterwards for them. It is a common practice in other denominations that practice infant baptisms, why don't we?


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