Stopped By God

I had just gotten into my reading this morning when I was stopped dead in my mental tracks by this little verse: "And the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple" —1 Kings 8:11, NIV.

The scene: The newly finished temple just prior to Solomon's dedication celebration. The ark of the covenant had just been brought into the Most Holy Place and as the priests withdrew, the Lord descended in the form of a cloud.

When was the last time God was so obviously present with us? When was the last time the spiritual leaders of my church couldn't function for no other reason than God had come and taken their place?

I don't remember such a time, but I want to, dear Lord, how I want to.

If I had been Solomon what would I have done? The people are standing there watching the descent of the cloud. Their spiritual leaders are rendered useless by the presence of God in His temple. Solomon speaks—and in his preamble it's all about him, with a bit of God thrown in.

I think I want him to be quiet. What he will say as he continues his dedication of the newly built temple is all good stuff, and it doesn't appear that God is annoyed at Solomon by what he said or did. In fact, God will appear to him later (9:1-9) in private. Was God a bit disappointed? I think I would have been. I really wanted Solomon to be quiet and stand in reverence and awe at this moment when God suspends service with His presence.

I want him speechless. I want a holy moment, or minutes, or hours.

I want to be still, and know God in a deeper, more profound way as I am overwhelmed by His presence.

I want to, dear Lord, oh how I want to. Prepare my temple to receive You in all Your Glory.


  1. I have that at church sometimes. God's presence is so sweet and real and then - boom! We must follow the order of service. So frustrating. There have been times I've written furiously on the back of my bulletin what I wish I could say aloud to God - praising Him... while I hear a drone of a communion meditation.

    I want holy moments, too. I suppose we should seek them out today, huh? Thanks for sharing, Lynda.

  2. Me too! His presence is so sweet. But even not in church service, I want to be overwhelmed by His presence!

  3. Oh wow - LLOOVVEE these thoughts. Much to ponder. I'd never thought of it this way (now I wish I'd picked THIS verse for MOnday Manna!! LOL).


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