I'm Sorry, But I'm Away From My Desk Right Now..."

Reading: Hebrews 5-8

No one is indispensable. We think we are. We act like we are. We’d like others to consider that we are—and appreciate us accordingly. I chuckle over the times I’ve announced that I was moving on and people have told me that they don’t know what they will do without me. Funny how life goes on so smoothly after I’ve left! I should either be insulted by their insincerity, or have my ego battered and bruised at the discovery that I really am NOT indispensable, or I should, as I do, laugh and say “You see—you got along just fine.”

But there is one Person who is indispensable and I’m so glad He’s on the job right this moment.

“…because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them” (Hebrews 8:25, NIV).

This verses refers specifically to salvation. Jesus never retires from the job of saving a repentant sinner. He never goes on holidays and tells a sinner to come back in two weeks. A sinner’s plea doesn’t go to voice mail.

Extending the picture, the same is true when the believer comes to Him with a need, or praise, or just to talk. There is no “I’m sorry, but I’m away from my desk right now. If you leave a message, I’ll get back to you….”

Permanent priesthood.” “Always lives to intercede…

Those are some of the most encouraging words in the Scripture.


  1. Sooo good to know He's never out to lunch! Great post, Lynda.


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