All He Commands

Numbers 28-30

Moses told the Israelites all that the Lord commanded him” —Numbers 29:40

Simple, isn’t it?

all” – Moses didn’t “fudge” but faithfully delivered the whole message like it or not.

that the Lord commanded him” — he made nothing up, didn’t put words in the Lord’s mouth or apply his interpretation to what the Lord said. This latter might be the biggest issue we (I) have—shifting the Word of God to head it in a direction that it might not be meant to go.

I realize more than ever how important this truth is. Since my book, Divine Design for Daily Living has been published, I've received all kinds of comments and questions. The response has been very gratifying but, at the same time, it has been sobering. What I write is believed, so what I write had better be what God said and not what Lynda wants him to say. It had better be all the truth and not just the part Lynda wants people to hear.

The responsibility is nothing to consider lightly.

The same is true as I take on my new responsibilities for spiritual formation at First Baptist Church. The words I speak, what I teach from his Word, had better be all that he wants me to say without any of God's truth being cluttered by Lynda's agenda for those words.

Again, it's a responsibility that can't be taken lightly.

Moses was a man who walked with God and talked to him, who was privileged to come into God's presence in a way few others ever did. Therein lies the secret. If I walk closely, talk often, come into his presence and listen, then I will know more of his mind and speak all his truth just as he commands.


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