If in Doubt, Don't

Today's Word-Filled Wednesday is hosted by Christy at CrittyJoy. Visit her site for more pictures accompanied by golden words.

God doesn't keep us in the dark about what He wants us to do though we often think He does. Perhaps the lesson to be learned when we are unsure of the direction He wants us to take is to stand still and wait until His path is clear to us. That's the message of the picture and the verse to follow.

Isaiah 30:21 reminds me that I will know which way to go when His timing for any move on my part is right.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" —Isaiah 30:21.


  1. Oh what a precious promise to hold on to.

    God is so faithful.

    Hope you are having a great day!

  2. It's so comforting to think about Him whispering in our ear...giving us instruction! Amen...and happy WFW!

  3. Reading this post made my spirit rejoice a bit...thank you!

  4. Amen -- His is the ONLY voice I want to listen to!

  5. Loved your picture and verse ~


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