God's One Story

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” —John 16:13, NIV.

God doesn’t have more than one “story.” How often have we heard people say “Oh well, we all worship the same God” when confronted with a belief system that runs parallel (or opposite) to the truth of Scripture.

Though there are many roads that could lead a person to faith, all those roads have to pass through the cross. During the last discourse that Jesus gave to His disciples, He taught them about the Spirit of God Who would shortly come to live in them. He prayed for their unity. He reminded them that He was the only way, the only truth, the only life.

We don’t like to offend but neither should we deceive by allowing others to go on their way believing that any road leads to an eternal home. Faith alone is not sufficient to save—if it is faith wrongly placed.

The Holy Spirit is our guarantee that we belong to the family of God. The evidence of His working in us acts like the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval,” demonstrating to the world that we are walking in God’s truth. He speaks of Christ the Son and points to God the Father and reminds us that though the world may point us down many roads, not all roads lead home. But His does.

And that’s the Truth.


  1. "Though there are many roads that could lead a person to faith, all those roads have to pass through the cross."

    YES! Love this. I'm tweeting it :)


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