The Good Gifts

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” –Matthew 7:7, 8, NIV.

These were good verses for this morning. I had a question that had been niggling away at the edges of my mind for some time. So I took the verses with me into my prayer time this morning and asked God for an answer to my concern. When I got to my office that answer was lying on my desk. It hadn’t been there yesterday when I dropped in, but sometime between yesterday afternoon and this morning, it had been delivered.

There are plenty of times when we ask and the answer isn’t quite that immediate. There are times we go looking and what we seek is elusive. There are times when we pound on doors that refuse to open. But moments like this morning remind me that God responds when the response is needed, not a moment too early or a moment too late.

He is a Father who doesn’t withhold the “good gifts” from His children, just as the rest of this passage tells us. When He does withhold something from us, it is always with good reason.

For our further encouragement Matthew tells us that we won’t be defrauded or be disappointed with what we get when we ask, what we find when we seek, or what is on the other side of the door when God opens it. It might not be just the loaf of bread we asked for, it might be cinnamon rolls! It might not be just any old fish, but fresh rainbow trout!

When He says “good gifts” He’s not fooling around.


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