Getting Out of Bed

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty” —Zechariah 4:6.

Some days it just isn’t worth getting out of bed. The overwhelming desire to cover up our heads with that sheet and shut out everything related to our world pushes us back into the security of that warm and comfortable spot that our bodies have carved out during the night. Unhappily, once the mind gets woken up sufficiently to prod memory, there’s nothing else to do but get out of bed and face the world.

Jesus said that we’d have trouble in this world (John 16:33) but he followed that statement up with the wonderful promise that He had overcome the world. The tense is important. He didn’t say that he WOULD overcome the world, He said that He HAD overcome the world. Victory was not only assured but should already be considered a “done deal.”

So when I get to the words of Zechariah, I remember Whose victory it is. It helps me get out of bed in the morning. If I face the world in my puny strength and ability to “fix” things, the world will run me over like a freight train with no brakes. Even if I were powerful and influential, I would still be unable to resist forces even greater than I am. Even presidents and kings probably have mornings when they’d rather not get out of bed!

He’s the LORD. Sovereign, not of a kingdom or a country or even a continent. He’s the Master of the universe.

He’s ALMIGHTY. He’s no puppet ruler or figurehead forced to leave the real power in the hands of others. He’s not all bluster without the brawn to back that bluster up. He’s got all the power needed to do what needs to be done. And no one can thwart Him.

Our miserable might or puny power fails to make much of a dent in our own personal challenges, and even less of an impact on global issues. God comes along to remind us that it is only His Spirit Who can bring about the changes in people and circumstances that best accomplish His purposes. In addition, we don’t have to wonder about the outcome. He HAS overcome the world. It’s a “done deal.”

We can get out of bed and face the world simply because everything has already been taken care of.


  1. Lately, there have been many days that I have not wanted to get out of bed. I think I will try quoting this scripture the moment I awake!
    Thank you

  2. Thanks for the reminder to cast our cares! Have a wonderfully blessed weekend! Hugs!


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