It Truly Is A Good Friday

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all” —Isaiah 53:5, 6

Sing it again, today and tomorrow and every day after tomorrow. The song of the cross is not seasonal. It is as fresh as Spring, as glorious as Summer, as abundant as Fall and as lingering as Winter.

Thomas Chisholm wrote this beautiful hymn, set to music by Merrill Dunlop, which echoes Isaiah’s words:

He was wounded for our transgressions,
He bore our sin in His body on the tree.
For our guilt He gave us peace,
From our bondage gave release,
And with His stripes, and with His stripes,
And with His stripes our souls are healed.

He was numbered among transgressors,
We did esteem Him forsaken by His God,
As our sacrifice He died,
That the law be satisfied,
And all our sin, and all our sin,
And all our sin was laid on Him.

We had wandered , we all had wandered
Far from the fold of the Shepherd of the sheep;
But He sought us where we were,
On the mountain bleak and bare,
And brought us home, and brought us home,
And brought us safely home to God.

Who can number His generation?
Who shall declare all the triumphs of His cross?
Millions, dead, now live again.
Myriads follow in His train!
Victorious Lord, victorious Lord,
Victorious Lord and coming King!

And to that Lord be honour and glory, wisdom and power, and a grateful heart, forevermore. Amen!


  1. Just beautiful. LOVE the words (you know how I feel about Isaiah 53!). Blessings, dear Lynda


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