My Heart's Delight

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” —Psalm 37:4, NIV

I’d like to rewrite this verse just a little. I know that sounds presumptuous, but I think my rewrite is what’s written underneath the letters that we spell out in our minds as we read these well-used words. So here goes:

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of his heart.”

My reasoning is simple. When I am so delighted with the Lord, so full of him, so concentrated on him, so dedicated to him, I can’t help but want what he wants for my life. My desires become what his desires always were for me.

Then, immersed in what he knows will bring me the greatest satisfaction—himself—God can withhold what he knows is not good for me, or give what he knows will benefit me, and whatever he withholds or gives will be just fine.

What he takes is my desire, what he gives is my desire, because my real delight will never go away—HIM—and that’s all that matters.


  1. Absolutely right. The only way to benefit from the desires of our heart is if they are in line with His.


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