When In Doubt...

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When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted” (Matthew 28:17).

Come on! How can it be possible to see Jesus in the flesh after His death and doubt Him?

It’s easy to criticize—at least until I look into my own heart and realize that I am often guilty of the very same thing.

I’ve been reading a book by Larry Crabb, titled, Finding God. In it he talks about our tendency to try to “fix” things ourselves when God doesn’t deliver what we think He should, when we think He should deliver it. That’s doubt—we doubt that He will meet our needs, that He is sufficient to meet our needs, and that, even if He doesn’t meet our needs, it’s all okay because He is good and He is God, and that is enough.

The followers of Jesus saw Him, but perhaps the events of the days and weeks that had gone before made them reluctant to trust. Sure, He was there. But He was going away again and what would happen to them then? Why didn’t He stay and lead them? Who would heal them, and teach them, and protect them? Could He protect them when He chose not to protect Himself? Would they have to die too?

The questions could go on and on.

I find myself turning my struggles over to God and then almost immediately thinking of ways to solve the problems related to those struggles. Yes, God gave me a mind to think, to reason, to decide. But often I don’t wait for Him to work without my “help.” That’s doubt.

It takes practice to turn off the switch that says: “You’ve got to deal with this now, somehow.” It takes practice to give something to God and refuse to take it back. It’s tough to wait until He tells me just how He wants me involved in the process of solving the problem—if at all! But to do these things is a sign of faith and we know that, “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6).

The rest of that verse reminds me that my daily goal needs to be to believe more in Him and less in me. “...anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

He will deliver.


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