Investing Wisely
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He provided for each of us the skills and abilities necessary for us to accomplish what He had designed us to be and do. And, to some extent at least, He gave us the freedom to make choices as to how we would use what He had given us.
Someday, He’ll ask for an accounting.
This was the message behind the parable that Jesus told in Matthew 25:14-30. There was a not-so-subtle warning in the story. The parable was built around the story of an owner who left his servants in charge of his property. Each servant was given money. The expectation was that each person would use the money in some way that would result in a profit for the owner when he returned from his journey. Two of the three men did well with their investments. The third didn’t even make an attempt to carry out his master’s wishes.
The first two men were rewarded with a commendation from their master, a promotion, and what sounds like an invitation to a celebratory event: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” The third man was stripped of what he had been given and lost everything.
It seems like a good idea to stop occasionally and ask myself what I am doing with what God has given me. Certainly I do lots for myself. But the point of the parable was that these men were to invest what the master had given them in things that would benefit, not themselves, but their master. Therein lies the point. I may do a lot for myself, but what am I doing with what God has given me that will benefit HIM?
He left me “in charge” of what He gave me in skills and abilities. But the choices I make as to how I invest those skills and abilities will, someday, be held up for examination by Him. I think I would prefer the “well done” to its alternative.
It’s a question we all need to ask ourselves. Whether our skills and abilities be many or few, God expects a return on His investment in us. And someday we will have to answer for what we did with what He gave.
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