The Liebster Award

My writer friend, Violet Nesdoly, ( nominated this blog for the Liebster award. I am honoured, Violet. So in keeping with the spirit of the season (and the rules of the Liebster,) you will find my nominees down below.

To accept this Liebster I must do two things:  answer the following questions, and (of course) pass on the Liebster love to a few more blogs.

The questions are:

1.Which musical instrument do you wish you could expertly play?
My answer: I have some very skilled friends whose talents I much admire. I once asked my mother why I had never had the opportunity to learn to play this instrument, to which she replied "I didn't know you wanted to!" Oh well. I did try to learn a couple of times as an adult but alas, my right hand will not do something different from my left hand (that's togetherness!). I would like to learn to play the PIANO.

2. Who do you really admire?
My answer: Carol Stewart—This wonderful godly woman, pastor's wife, mother, accountant, teacher, leader of women (and men) has a gracious, gentle spirit. She is super intelligent, wise and doesn't take backtalk from anyone, no matter what their exalted position.

3. What (one thing, or as many as you want to name) do you always keep in your cupboard or fridge?
My answer: Cat food. Hey, it doesn't matter if I'm hungry, but the kitties CANNOT be deprived.

4. What (one thing, or as many as you want to name) do you wish you could afford to always keep in your cupboard or fridge?
 My answer: Papaya. The imported stuff just doesn't cut it. I miss the freshly picked red papaya I enjoyed in Venezuela, Wish I could travel down there once in a while and pick some up!

5. Which song or snippet,  when you hear it, gets stuck on rewind in your head and what do you do to unstick it?

My answer: That's easy. We just finished almost three months of rehearsal for our Christmas musical. The performances are over but I doubt I'll ever get the songs out of my head—but that's okay because it was beautiful music with a wonderful message. "Is there any hope? Can we find a refuge?" from Child of Hope.

And now…

My Liebster nominees are:
  •  (Joanne Sher).  Another friend from Faithwriters. I really have to meet this gal sometime. I love how she writes, but most of all I love the constant encouragement she is to my soul.
  • (Rita Garcia). Here's another Faithwriter friend who has always been of wonderful encouragement to me.
  • (Jan Worgul Ackerson). A terrific talent. Anyone who can say so much in one hundred words has got to be good.
Visit these places in cyberspace and be blessed.


To accept the award:
1. List five random facts about yourself
2. Pass the Liebster award on to other blogs (up to as many as five).
3. Proudly display the Liebster button on your blog!
These nominees doesn't have to accept the award (all in fun) but they, and so many others I know deserve it anyway.


  1. So pleased to see you accepted the award, Lynda!! Enjoyed reading your answers. Hope you and your Kitties have a wonderful Christmas!! All the best!!

  2. Oh, Lynda - thanks so VERY much!! You're sweet. And I definitely enjoyed your answers - and you are an inspiration to me as well. Blessings and a Merry Christmas to you!


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