My Hero

I'm over at JoE today:

The post evolved out of a prayer letter I read from one of our missionaries in Pakistan, Hannah Pollock. Hannah's life journey as a missionary spans decades. She wanted to go to India. As an American back in the 60s, the door to that country was closed. But so convinced was Hannah that God wanted her there that she came to Canada, attended seminary here and became a Canadian citizen. By the time she applied for her visa to go to India, even Canadians were not being allowed in. But Shikarpur Christian Hospital was desperate for staff and when they heard about her dilemma they encouraged her to come and join them. She did, and spent decades serving the needs of Pakistani women in that place.

When she retired, she married a widower, the father of another missionary with whom she had worked in Pakistan. When he passed away, Hannah returned as a volunteer to Shikarpur to fill one of the constant gaps in the hospital staff.

She's my hero.


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