Theoretically speaking …

Yesterday I crossed Georgian Bay by ferry from South Baymouth to Tobermory. It was beautiful day. The water was calm, the breeze cool and the sun hot. It was easy to love everybody and everything is sight and out of sight.

So yesterday my verse for today would have been easy:

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" —Ephesians 4:2, 3 NIV.

Piece of cake.

In a few minutes, I will wash up, get dressed, have breakfast and head to work. Check with me later as to how well I did on all of the above under a different set of circumstances.

Just like school, the Teacher knows that unless the information is tested under stressful circumstances there is no certainty that the student has really learned.

I got an A yesterday. But today will be the real test.


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