
"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing many come from the Lord" —Acts 3:19.

As soon as I read the verse for this morning, an old song from my Sunday School days flooded my mind. If I remember the words correctly it goes like this:

"Gone, gone, gone, gone,
Yes my sins are gone,
Now my soul is free,
And in my heart's a song.
Buried in the deepest sea,
Yes, that's good enough for me.
I shall sing eternally,
Praise God, my sins are gone.

Gone, gone, gone, gone,
Yes, my sins are gone.

Every once in a while I contemplate just how high the water level on that sea rose when Jesus tossed my sins into it on that day when I asked him to forgive me. If I sinned once a day, every day of my life (and I know it is more than once a day!) and I lived until I was 85, he would have had to toss in over 31,000 sins (math isn't my strong point, but you get the picture).

Now multiply that by the number of people who have lived on the planet since Adam and Eve (if you can) until this present day, then add those who have yet to live, and calculate the weight of the sin that he took to Calvary with him.

It boggles the mind and defies the imagination. But it's not too hard for him—my sins are "wiped out"—the best two words in the dictionary. And he is more than willing to toss as many of the rest of that infinite number of sins committed into the sea as possible, as people repent and turn to him in faith.

The rising water level doesn't bother him at all. In fact, he delights in it.


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