Success: It's Not What You Might Think
If there was ever an epitaph to envy it would be this one: " He was great in the sight of the Lord ." When the birth of John, who would be called "The Baptist," was born, the angel who delivered the announcement to his father, Zecariah, was told: " …he will be great in the sight of the Lord " —Luke 1:15, NIV. John's birth, and the circumstances leading up to it, were miracles. Humanly speaking, he should not have been, but as the angel said to his cousin, Mary, " …nothing is impossible with God " —Luke 1:37, NIV. We know nothing about John's childhood except the terse words of Luke 1:80 that say: " And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly in Israel ." John was a bizarre figure in Israel. His form of dress would have definitely put him on anyone's worst dressed list. His eating habits, while healthy, would not have made him anyone's popular dinner guest....